Some interesting tools were written during the DRS development.
Their usage is larger than just testing, that's why they are here to serve you.
It allows to display and edit data from fits files, including headers, tables or image data.
Because it is written in the same python language than the DRS, it offers a full compatibility with the data produced.
And because it is a modern tool, it runs on 32 or 64 bit computers, allowing to catch the ultimate precision other software won''t.
Just provide a data table in ascii format and it makes a fits out of it.
Just copy that program in a folder, go throuh the '''' program to determine the ''nights'' folder containing your data, and it allows you to see the files by date in reverse order (latests dates first), letting you sort them on several colons. Most graphs are shown, with order browsers.
It allows to search for specific messages, values and behaviours of some components during data reduction.
It allows to search for all the files we have for a specific star. Star are ordered alphabetically on their names. It uploads a fresh database by ftp when needed.
Let this run daily in a cron to get all data updated.
One can now also use it online here : see the "search engine" and the "observer" tabs.
Just give the night as parameter.