FTP : see the filezilla interactive program to occasionnaly connect to a file server : FileZilla site. Perfect to look at what files are in Leuven.
see lftp to automatically mirror the server : LFTP site .
this is the command used at the rob : cd Hermes_disk/nights
lftp ftp://user:pword@server -e "mirror -e -n --verbose=3 --only-newer -x test -x 2008* -x nightDRS -x log -x diagnostic -x bla -x 2010114 -x 2009-03-24_2009-04-02 -x 20090130bis -x 20081103-04 -x hermes -x jesu* -x tmp* -X *.fit -X Image*.fit* -X *300s*.fits -X *120s*.fits -X *1200s*.fits -X Bias-*.fits -X SS-GEM-1800*.* -X \* -X THA*.* -X image*.fit* -X eta0*.* -X FF*.fits -X 01Or*.* -X *_?.* -X Bias*.* -X KPP*.* -X EO*.* -X focus_*.fits -X HD*.* -X *_NEON_*.* -X SS*.* -X Image*.fit -X lamp*.* -X output -X *.ods -X THIS* -X *.par -X *.py -X *TECH.* -X 35ARI*.* -X 100*.fits . .; quit" > mirror.log
use crontab to make linux execute a daily task : crontab man page .
spectrograph pages : Spectrograph page at Leuven .
Thanks for using our hermes software.