The HERMES package is meant to provide the software means for the data reduction of all different observing modes available for the HERMES spectrograph mounted on the Mercator telescope. It is based on the python language and requires the installation of:
- Python we currently use version 2.7.6 This is the default installed on kubuntu 14.04.
- numpy we currently use version 1.8.1 Usage of a version previous to 1.3.0 will require that you install the separated "maskedarray" module. This is the first to install, next packages require this one.
- PyFits This is the package that allows access to the fits files. We use standard version 3.2.2. Do NOT try to use another version, they are not really compatible. There are known bugs in previous versions, to access header entries by name.
- pyLab This is the graph and plot package, we use version 1.3.0
- sciPy we currently use version 0.12.0 This package provides some usefull filter functions. To install above numpy.
- pyEphem This package provides lots of date, angle, and other calculations. It also provide some usefull constants. We use version
From this version of hermes on, all packages may be installed in the correct version with PIP. It is highly recommended to do this way, even when everything is already installed, it will force the correct versions we need.